Street Photography
My passion for photography started with street photography. Fact. It was through looking at the work of people like Alex Webb, Harry Gruyaert, Joel Meyerowitz or Robert Frank that I felt inspired to grab a camera, go out and just … shoot. But street photography is hard, very hard. In principle, the only thing you need is your camera, a good pair of shoes and a passion for observing the world around you. However, the reality is that street photography sessions can easily end up in disappointment as the rate of success is minimal, or to put it another way: the ratio of mile walked per successful picture is very low. Meaning you have to walk a lot to get a good picture … or not. That’s the beauty of it all, a good picture can be anywhere, it can be outside your door, at a family gathering, or you can spend the whole day out and come back with nothing but poor pictures. At the same time, isn’t the process the best part of it? I often say that street photographers are probably among the most optimistic people there are, because you go out not knowing what you’re aiming for but you are always hoping that the craziest of situations, a wonderful light effect or something else will appear in front of you and to be honest, those moments are rare. However, all I know about street photography is the more you walk, the more pictures you get.
Here’s a selection of pictures taken in the public space in the last few years, no specific theme or subject, just life.